New art

april 26 2011

sign the guess book

Death Valley

Coyote in the Road

by Kat Livengood


i see things in the desert

coyotes trotting up the road

the devil playing golf

an opera house at the corner

of no where and lost

and a twenty mule team

carryn borax to

gawd only knows where





black rabbit

oily painting


we're in death valley

where you can have a good conversation

about quantum physics with natures experts

or just stare off into

the grand nothing ness of it all

it dont matter what you do

or what you

cuz theres no one there

to watch or hear














talking points

Photo by Kat Livengood


death valley is natures perfection

clean as a coyotes kitchen

quiet as a dark birds stare

where the symbol of love & peace

the beautiful white dove

is butchered

every morning at first light

for breakfast








Death Valley

photo by Kat Livengood


"Hey! arent you that flea market painter?"

1500 miles from aisle J

at one of the most isolated places on earth

a fellow dark bird recognizes me

i respond with a mighty








the American Wild Horse

painting by kelly moore


nowadays i feel like

a wild horse

trying not to be rounded up

by technology and the internet

and stuffed into a computer

where everyone is grazing on

"likes" and "shares"

and the water is scarce



The Great Solitude

foto by Kat Livengood


but as long as

Death Valley exists

i know there are still places

where the wires cant get to us

and we can



and breathe

deeply for a few days

in the great southwest


more fotos by Kat Livengood






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