New art

april 26 2011

sign the guess book

Believe it or Not


Photo by Kat Livengood


she asked me

if the birds talked back to me

she asked if i saw things

other people dont

she asked

if i thought there were aliens on earth

she asked me

if i believed in ghosts

she asked me

if i thought something strange

was going on



Photo by Kat Livengood


when i was a small child
i was obsessed with ripleys
believe it or not
where i  read stories
of strange fantastic people
who swallowed glass
walked on fire
layed on beds of nails
and seemed to live

in a world i had never seen

but was curious to visit



Photo by Kat Livengood


im still obsessed with wonderous things
but my questions lean less into the circus

than the obvious
such as how two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen
in the shape of fingers allow me to type words
that travel thru electrical wires
arriving on your computer screen
where your eyes made mostly of stardust
read my thoughts

despite the fact

i have no idea

how i was able to send them to you

on the internet



Photo by Kat Livengood


and yet
i can see my grandfathers smile
smell his red man tobacco
and hear his banjo playing cotton eyed joe

and hes been gone

25 years



painting by Kelly Moore


and the dream i had hour ago
of losing someone close to me
has slipped away

to the point i cant even remember who it was
in the dream


Photo by Kat Livengood


yet i remember the summer day
when i read of a man so fat
he had to be buried in a piano
and all i could think of was
who had to give up their piano



i said yes

to the lady




new art


Deer Dancer

painting by Kelly Moore




contact me about pricing for kats fotos or my art....








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©KellyMoore 2004 | Web Design: Kelly Moore